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Реестр препаратов-кандидатов для лечения и профилактики COVID-19

Найдено 104 препаратов-кандидатов
Международное непатентованное наименование Барицитиниб (Baricitinib; LY3127804)
Торговое наименование Olumiant, Baricinix
Производитель, страна Eli Lilly and Company, USA
Механизм действия

Janus kinases are intracellular enzymes that transmit signals arising from cytokine or growth factor receptor interactions on the cellular membrane to influence cellular processes of immune cell function and hematopoiesis. JAK-mediated signaling is pivotal in immune activation, as cytokine receptors are expressed on most immune cells. Within the signaling pathway, JAKs phosphorylate and activate signal transducers and activators of transcription proteins (STATs), which modulate intracellular activity including gene expression. Baricitinib modulates the signaling pathway at the point of JAKs, preventing the phosphorylation and activation of STATs. Cytokine signaling is transmitted through pairing of JAKs. Baricitinib has greater affinity for JAK1, JAK2, and TYK2, relative to JAK3. In human leukocytes, baricitinib inhibits cytokine induced STAT phosphorylation mediated by JAK1/JAK2, JAK1/JAK3, JAK1/TYK2, or JAK2/TYK2 with comparable potencies

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Международное непатентованное наименование Бевацизумаб (Вevacizumab)
Торговое наименование Авастин, Авегра, Б-Маб
Производитель, страна Roche Holding, Switzerland; Биокад, Россия
Механизм действия

Bevacizumab is an anti VEGF recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody, which has been used in anti-tumor treatment for 16 years. Approved to treat certain types of cancer. 

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Международное непатентованное наименование Вазегепант (Vazegepant)
Торговое наименование Vazegepant
Производитель, страна Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, USA
Механизм действия

Vazegepant is a Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist that may potentially blunt the severe inflammatory response at the alveolar level, delaying or reversing the path towards oxygen desaturation in patients with COVID-19.

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Международное непатентованное наименование Вакцина Ad5-nCoV
Торговое наименование -
Производитель, страна CanSino Biologics Inc., China
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Международное непатентованное наименование Вакцина bacTRL-Spike
Торговое наименование -
Производитель, страна Symvivo Corporation, Canada
Механизм действия

Bifidobacteria monovalent SARS-CoV-2 DNA oral vaccine for prevention of COVID-19.


Each oral dose of bacTRL-Spike contains bacterial medium with either 1 billion (Group 1A), 3 billion (Group 2A) or 10 billion (Group 3A) colony-forming-units of live Bifidobacterium longum, which has been engineered to deliver plasmids containing synthetic DNA encoding spike protein from SARS-CoV-2.

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Международное непатентованное наименование Вакцина BCG tuberculosis vaccine
Торговое наименование -
Производитель, страна -
Механизм действия

Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis, with protective non-specific effects against other respiratory tract infections in in vitro and in vivo studies, and reported morbidity and mortality reductions as high as 70%.

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Международное непатентованное наименование Вакцина BNT162
Торговое наименование -
Производитель, страна Biontech RNA Pharmaceuticals, Germany & Pfizer, USA
Механизм действия

mRNA-based vaccine targeting infectious disease pathogens.

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Международное непатентованное наименование Вакцина ChAdOx1
Торговое наименование -
Производитель, страна University of Oxford, United Kingdom
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Международное непатентованное наименование Вакцина Covid-19/aAPC (Pathogen-specific aAPC)
Торговое наименование -
Производитель, страна Shenzhen Geno-Immune Medical Institute, China
Механизм действия

The Covid-19/aAPC vaccine is prepared by applying lentivirus modification including immune modulatory genes and the viral minigenes, to the artificial antigen presenting cells (aAPCs).

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Международное непатентованное наименование Вакцина INO-4800
Торговое наименование -
Производитель, страна Inovio Pharmaceuticals, USA
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