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Ингибитор ВИЧ протеазы ASC09F
Международное непатентованное наименование Ингибитор ВИЧ протеазы ASC09F
Торговое наименование -
Производитель, страна Ascletis Pharmaceuticals Co., China
Лекарственная форма tablet, 400mg
Механизм действия

Protease inhibitor (PI). Is a novel HIV-1 PI that is structurally similar to the FDA-approved PI darunavir (Prezista). PIs bind the HIV-1 protease enzyme to inhibit cleavage of viral Gag and Gag-Pol polyproteins, thereby preventing the formation of mature, infectious virus particles. ASC09F is characterized as having a broader in vitro resistance profile than that of currently approved PIs, including darunavir.

Клинические исследования
Название протокола A Randomized, Open-label, Multi-centre Clinical Trial Evaluating and Comparing the Safety and Efficiency of ASC09/Ritonavir and Lopinavir/Ritonavir for Confirmed Cases of Pneumonia Caused by Novel Coronavirus Infection
Дата начала и окончания КИ February 7, 2020 - June 30, 2020
Название организации, проводящей КИ First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University
Страны China
Фаза -
Кол-во пациентов 160
Название протокола A Randomized,Open,Controlled Small Sample Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of ASC09/Ritonavir Compound Tablets and Ritonavir for 2019-nCoV Pneumonia
Дата начала и окончания КИ February 1, 2020 - July 1, 2020
Название организации, проводящей КИ Tongji Hospital
Страны China
Фаза III
Кол-во пациентов 60